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Drawing in Ink, Graphite, and Colored Pencils

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Weekly on Thursday, 9:45am - 12pm until Thu, Mar 13 2025

This class will explore using several drawing mediums in isolation and in combination. How can you effectively combine varied mediums to create cohesive and expressive art work? How do you decide which mediums to use and in what quantities? How do you choose which paper to use for different mediums and varied subject matter? We will explore, experiment, and enjoy together.

Cost for the 5 sessions is $67.

Student supplied (their own) supplies: colored pencils, “pink pearl” eraser, kneaded eraser Tombow type mechanical eraser (optional), graphite pencils: 2H, HB or F, 3B (Not all brands of pencils are created equal. Recommended brands: Faber Castell, Staedtler, Design, Blick Studio)
Classroom supplies (ink supplies are provided, and available for purchase if student desires): all papers used in class sessions, ink and pen (crow quill).

For questions or to register email

Mary Alice Warren Community Center