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Bouncing Babies is an age-specific class that focuses on mobility, motor skills, language development and socialization.
Each week, your child will learn through inspired developmentally appropriate activities to engage your little one’s mind and senses. Parents and infants learn and grow together during these sessions, surrounded by familiar faces. It’s no surprise when your child makes new friends so will you. Activities include music and movement, sensory play-scarves, sensory balls etc., fine and gross motor skills, and story time.
We do not currently offer single-purchases classes.
Younger siblings are welcome:
-Sibling must be younger than the enrolled Playgroup sibling.
-Sibling younger than 6 months are welcome free of charge
-Siblings up to 24 months get a 50% discount
-Siblings older then 24 months are invited to enroll in music and movement and your infant is free until 9 months old. See Tuesday and Thursday Music and movement class to enroll (this is a mixed age class)
-There are a limited number of sibling spots per Playgroup
-There are a limited number of sibling spots per Playgroup
Objective: Social interaction/ Body awareness/ Phonological awareness
Cost for the classes is $47/month.
Click Here to register.
For more information or questions please contact Courtney Cottone at CourtneyCottone29@Outlook.com.