Town of Lewisville Town Clerk Joyce M. Walker, shown here with Mayor Mike Horn, left, and Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Mock, right, was awarded Clerk of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks at their annual summer conference. This prestigious award is presented annually to the State’s outstanding clerk or deputy clerk. The North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks, in cooperation with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, the School of Government at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the North Carolina League of Municipalities in Raleigh, is the professional association for city, town and village clerks across the state that provides continuing professional educational development for municipal clerks. In addition to being selected as Clerk of the Year, Walker was also sworn in as the Director of District 9 (Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, Rowan and Stokes Counties) of the Clerks’ Association.
The North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks (NCAMC) chose Town of Lewisville Clerk, Joyce Walker, as the 2018 Clerk of the Year. Walker accepted the award at the association’s Summer Academy in August.
Walker has 18 years of municipal service serving as town clerk for Lewisville. This is especially impressive in that Walker has already retired from a career with a telephone company prior to coming to work for the Town.
“She shows up to work with the consistency of clockwork and her dedication to her job is unmatched,” Town Manager Hank Perkins wrote in his nomination letter for Walker’s award. “Mrs. Walker has always strived to do the best she can do as Town Clerk of the Town of Lewisville.”
Walker is a long-time member of the NCAMC, joining in 2000. She was one of the first clerks to achieve North Carolina Certified Municipal Clerk in 2012 and was re-certified in 2017. She holds the designations of Certified Municipal Clerk, Master Municipal Clerk and a certificate from the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators.
In addition, Walker has extensive work with groups who provide invaluable services to the community. She has demonstrated a long-time commitment to community service holding many positions of leadership in groups such as the Lewisville Civic Club, Lewisville Historical Society, Girl Scouts of America and Boy Scouts of America and has worked as a mentor with youth bowlers.
Walker has a deep commitment to the promotion of education. This commitment comes whether it is in support of the education of students in the pursuit of their academic endeavors, children growing into responsible adults or to the lifelong learning of adults for career advancement. To this end, she has maintained regular involvement with Lewisville’s Student Leadership Committee, the Lewisville Civic Club’s Scholarship Committee and by providing educational information to other clerks at the Clerks Academy for NCAMC on receiving certification through the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administration.